Our Campaigns

In a world where healthcare disparities persist, children often bear the brunt of limited access to life-saving medical treatments.


  • RAISED $5,000
  • GOAL $22,000

Pawani Needs a Liver Transplant to Live

Vineet and Neha welcomed their newborn daughter, Pawani, into the world with joy. However, their happiness turned to concern when Pawani showed little growth. She was diagnosed with Biliary Atresia and needs a liver transplant costing approximately $22,000. Her mom will be her donor, but the surgery is very expensive. They live in India and Vineet, who supports a joint family with income from a betel leaf shop, is struggling to cover the costs. Please donate and share to help save Pawani's life. Funds will be donated to Pawani's family through the Sky Foundation.

  • RAISED $1,000
  • GOAL $22,000

Piyush Needs Help Affording a Liver Transplant

Piyush Wake, a 12-year-old living in Maharashtra, India, suffers from Wilson’s Disease and Decompensated Chronic Liver Disease. He also suffers from abdominal swelling and leg edema, causing him excruciating pain every day. Piyush hopes to become an engineer to lift his family out of poverty, but his dream is at risk without treatment. Doctors recommend an urgent liver transplant costing approximately $22,000 that would give him his life back. His father, Vijay, a farmer and sole breadwinner for a family of four, has depleted his savings. Please support Piyush and his family through his fundraiser and by sharing it. Funds will be donated to Pawani's family through the Sky Foundation.

  • RAISED $3,000
  • GOAL $34,000

Help Rigvedh Afford His Reconstructive Surgeries

Rigvedh, who is almost five, has already faced seven surgeries for Ano-rectal Malformation, Hypospadias with chordee, and cardiac abnormalities. He experiences persistent pain and struggles with using the restroom. He still needs four more surgeries costing approximately $33,900. Rigvedh and his family live in India and cannot afford his surgeries. His father, Shyju, struggles with irregular earnings and existing debt of $13,500. But your support can make a significant difference in his life, allowing him to enjoy a childhood and life without pain. Funds will be distributed to Rigvedh's family through the Sky Foundation.


The SKY Foundation is working to provide families with the funds and support they need to get life-saving medical care for their children